
Type 3 trypsin release phage display vector f3TR1

The f3TR1 phage display vector is based on phage display vector fUSE5 (AF218364.1). A 14 bp frameshifting stuffer must be replaced with a frame-restoring peptide insert to express pIII and enable E. coli infectivity. The displayed peptide is fused to the N-terminus of pIII through a trypsin-recognition sequence. The fUSE5 vector can be used to create new phage display peptide libraries by replacing the 14 bp stuffer with random oligonucleotides.

Product Specifications

Product Bacteriophage display vector
Cat. Number COV0002
Genbank HM355479.1
Sequence >HM355479.1
Size 8958 bp (dsDNA)
Insert 14 bp stuffer
Bacterial resistance Tetracycline (20 μg/mL)
Growth strains K91BluKan
Reference Thomas WD et al. Anal Biochem. 2010. 407(2):237-40.
Price $195.00

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The f3TR1 vector was created by Dr. George Smith at the University of Missouri and is distributed by Cell Origins (#COV0002).

References section:

Thomas WD, Golomb M, Smith GP. Corruption of phage display libraries by target-unrelated clones: diagnosis and countermeasures. Anal Biochem. 2010 Dec 15;407(2):237-40. doi: 10.1016/j.ab.2010.07.037.

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